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What food solutions can allergies be provided?

What food solutions can allergies be provided?

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more than one third of allergic people do not care, and more than 60% do not have regular follow-up. the phenomenon is constantly increasing, and all generations are affected.

since 1990, hospital admissions for:

- angleterre anaphylaxis increased by 700 per cent
- food allergies increased by 500 per cent
- urticaria increased by 100 per cent
- quincke edemas increased by 40%

WHO ranks allergies in the 4th rank of global public health problems. Today one in four French is affected.
when the immune system works normally and it comes into contact for the first time with a toxic or a harmful molecule for its integrity, it analyzes and memorizes the chemical specificities of this foreign body, in order to manufacture antibodies and other defense elements that will allow it, during a subsequent confrontation, to neutralize it directly and without an important expenditure of energy.

However, in the case of allergy, the vigilance of the immune system can be exercised disproportionately and excessively not only on a toxic molecule, but also on elements that are not harmful to life such as different foods such as eggs, milk, peanuts, etc. Note that peanut is the most important allergen in terms of awareness and importance of manifestations.

there are also allergies to pollen(over 20-30 per cent of the French population),house dust, mold or spores, mites and their dejections(around 10% of the French population) , etc.

this hypersensitivity corresponds to an imbalance or malfunction of the immune system. The weakening of the immune system is caused, among other things, by its permanent hyper stimulation.

it seems that allergies have a genetic component. Indeed, according to various scientific studies, a normal child has 10% risk of being allergic. However, a child with one of the two allergic parents is at risk of being affected, ranging from 30% to 40%. and when a child has two allergic parents, then the risk rises from 60 to 80%.

different studies suggest that the lack of vitamin d can promote immune reaction disorders such as allergies.

many mechanisms can explain the genesis of allergies.

Today the very important consumption of synthetic molecules(synthetic phytosanitary products, synthetic food additives etc.).associated with natural foods such as eggs or peanuts, for example, explains, among other things, food allergies.

In fact, the immune system has spotted a particular toxic, associated it with the consumption of the food with which it is mixed. Thus, it becomes allergic to eggs, peanuts or other natural foods, as they contain molecules considered undesirable by the body.

imbalances in the immune system causing allergies can be caused by

- many heavy metal immunizations, among others.
- the porosity of the mucous membrane of the small intestine or colon that lets pass toxic macromolecules. These may indiscriminately stimulate some opioid receptors creating neurochemical dependencies.

the immune system can try to curb the process, excessively reacting to toxic molecules and their consequences, born of incorrect digestion; or in relation to the excessive porosity of digestive mucous membranes.

the porosity of the intestine is caused, among other things, by digestive disorders, which must be corrected by an individualized dietary setting. these digestive disorders can be due to timeless and permanent snacks, non-stop food, non-compliance with food incompatibility, non-compliance with digestion times, lack of mastication, etc.

- The absence of breastfeeding that will permanently affect the wall or resident intestinal flora. In general, a child fed by his mother will have less allergies than the one who was fed with artificial milk or with a cow’s milk. the wall of the digestive tube contains about 70% of the body’s immune cells.

as the robert masson naturopath specifies, the overall immune balance depends on the quality of the first food: milk.

the prevention of allergies is done by respecting all health factors such as healthy eating devoid of toxic products or additives, emotional and relational balance, outdoor physical activity in the countryside, relaxation and relaxation, balance between work and rest phases with sufficient sleep and restorative etc.
The diet should be healthy, varied, balanced, and respectful of individual specificities.

the intake of antioxidants helps to stop allergy episodes. antioxidants include vitamin a, c, e, zinc(fruits, vegetables, sprouts, young grass shoots),selenium(noix, mushrooms, etc.)but also carotenoids, flavonoids, polyphenols; These molecules are often found in coloured fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin c deficiency, but also selenium and zinc, are associated with an increased risk of asthma. Magnesium deficiency is associated with an increased risk of asthma.

the consumption of flavonoids such as quercetin found among other things in onions, apples, citrus, black tea etc. inhibits allergy-related inflammation processes. another flavonoid, the kaempferol found in the ripe, strawberries, chives, broccoli, and spinach among others, also has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties.

the pineapple enzyme, bromaelia, has an interesting action to brake inflammatory processes, in respiratory episodes.

the consumption of omega 3 fatty acid of vegetable origin found in rapeseed oil, nuts and cameline or the marine omega 3 found in algae or algae oil,help reduce the risk of asthma.

information about the author.

eric darche / Naturopathe-hygienist
creator of a new school of naturopathy and hygienicism on the internet 100% in E-learning:enhed
Author, lecturer. Consult remotely by tel or skype.
tel: 09 50 24 05 34.

facebook group open to all where you can find it:naturopathy, hygienicism and living diet.

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