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What is the role of diet on health?

What is the role of diet on health?

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Nutrition is one of the pillars of health.
Finding the right diet for each individual is a real challenge.
Food impacts our body but also our emotions and our thoughts.
In a way, we are what we eat.
"Let food be thy medicine" said Hippocrates.
What if we tried to regain that state of balance, full health, vitality, and joy thanks, among other things, to what we eat?

What is the role of nutrition and its importance in humans?

Nutrition is our source of energy.
By eating, we seek nutrients that allow us to live, move, grow, think, share...
In nature, the mammal that we are ate frugally and fed on elements found in its environment.
Of course, humans fed according to the resources available in their direct environment, so the share of fruits, berries, seeds, leaves, and roots was surely large.
No processed foods, no industrial foods, and probably very little cooking.
This mode of nutrition, which certainly lasted for millennia in the human species, has changed significantly in a relatively short time.
We hear about famine and shortages, playing on our fear of running out of food, but today, in so-called industrialized countries, more people die from overeating and poor nutrition than from famine...
The physiological role of nutrition is therefore to meet our energy needs...
...but today, we eat for pleasure, to share a moment with others, to fill our dissatisfactions, to compensate for our emotions, because we are bored, or just for the pleasure of eating because it tastes good...


What is the link between nutrition and health?

Our body is constantly renewing itself.
Our cells multiply and use the available elements for these metabolic processes.
The food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, the thoughts we think... all of this constitutes us.
Nutrition impacts the quality of our body and our thoughts!
Just look at the well-being felt by most people who fast or change their diet.
This is something I have personally experienced and observed in naturopathic support, consultations, and fasting.
It is more or less impressive, but clients who change their diet experience benefits on a physical, emotional, psychological, and energetic level.
And dietary relapses are strongly felt through fatigue, bloating, a foggy mind, for example.
We should offer our body the best possible fuel, the best available foods!
Foods served as close to their natural state as possible, with minimal processing.
This is how our body will be able to /

  • To limit clogging, toxins, digestive difficulties, and consequently many diseases.
  • To best absorb the elements we need to live: nutrients, vitamins, minerals, trace elements.
  • To satisfy our senses, consciously, in a natural way.

How can we imagine finding full health, vitality, and happiness by stuffing ourselves with industrial and processed products?
Natural food is one of the best preventions!
It is sometimes difficult to change one's diet or to maintain a healthy diet.
Our emotions, social relationships, and temptations are significant... it is important to get support to gradually free oneself from compulsive behaviors, this relationship with food, this idea that food is a major source of pleasure that becomes uncontrollable...
By working on both diet and emotions, we give ourselves every chance to move forward and reverse the vicious circle to move towards the virtuous circle of life, balance, and harmony...

What is the role of diet in bone development?

Bones regenerate and need minerals.
Bone cells are largely composed of minerals.
It is therefore essential to have a diet rich in minerals for good bone development and to avoid bone disorders, such as bone fragility or osteoporosis.
Regular consumption of good, accessible minerals is important for bone quality.
But the quality of the digestive system is also important.
If the digestive system is exhausted or damaged, we can consume minerals, but the body will not be able to assimilate them well.
The overall balance of the body, especially acidity, will also have a significant impact on the balance of minerals in the body.
The body is a whole, and stress also plays a role in the assimilation of minerals necessary for bones.
For good bone development, the ideal is simply a good overall and holistic balance of the being.
In naturopathy, to support bone fragility, we check that the diet is appropriate, that minerals are present and bioavailable, we work on the digestive system, the body's acidity, waste elimination, regeneration, etc.
Plants, foods and their preparation, breathing, sleep, activity, emotions, well-being... all of this can intervene according to the needs of each individual.
Diet is important for bone development, but also for brain development, skin quality, hair, teeth, and vision.
A personalized adapted diet will allow for a good balance and therefore better functioning of the digestive, renal, hepatic, cutaneous, osteo-articular systems...

What is the role of diet in digestion?

The function of the digestive system is to process food. It is directly linked to what we eat.
The digestive system transforms food to extract essential and useful elements for the body.
If we provide it with simple elements, natural foods, consumed in appropriate quantities and unprocessed, we give the best conditions for good digestion.
However, if we eat processed foods, in large quantities, too often, with many ingredients at each meal, we gradually exhaust the digestive system, which will have increasing difficulty in properly absorbing the nutrients we need.
We will then need to eat more, we may become deficient, even though we are eating too much...
It's a vicious circle.
Today, we see too many people suffering from constipation, bloating, gas, acidity, stomach aches, and other problems caused by a struggling digestive system.
Too few people regain normal digestion, even though they no longer felt the symptoms daily: fatigue, flatulence, skin problems, pain, sleep issues, confused thoughts, difficulty concentrating, dark thoughts, depression...

Balanced and good diet for digestion

What are the health consequences of a poor diet?

A diet that is not suitable for humans and not personalized, not adapted to each person's needs, can lead to many health problems.
If we do not provide the right fuel, the engine cannot function properly, optimally. It can even get damaged or worse, break down.
An unsuitable diet can cause elimination crises, functional diseases that allow the body to clean up, provided it has good vitality. This is what children generally do (diarrhea, fever, mucus...).
But if the body no longer has the strength to eliminate these toxins, it will then have to store them, leading to chronic diseases, and then degenerative diseases.
To avoid this escalation, it is important to nourish ourselves with natural foods that suit chacun.e.
No dogma, let's stop trying to control everything drastically, doing ridiculous diets before summer only to binge on other things later.
It's not an object we buy or a new trend we display.
It's a way of life, a philosophy of life, a different relationship to life, often less consumerist and more conscious, sustainable, natural, respectful.
Let's stay humble and listen above all to the messages of our body.
It is essential to personalize our plates according to each person's needs, choosing ingredients based on physical activity, mental activity, individual digestive capacities.
Let's learn to eat with awareness, love, and respect.
Let's learn to eat with joy, without guilt, without compulsion.
And let's not forget that diet is not everything...
It is one of the foundations of health, let's not forget the others...
Let's re-learn to live simply, simply happy and in good health.

I accompany you during individual consultations and workshops, on this path to full health and balance.

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