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?recipe for 5 large green cabbage leaves?
1️⃣wash, cut and marinate 100g of mushrooms in:
• 1 c of coffee lemon juice
• 3 tablespoons of tamari or kelp sauce
• 1 tsp of cider vinegar
• 1-2 garlic cloves
• 1 freshly minced onion
• 1/4 c espelette pepper coffee
2️⃣stir from time to time while preparing the sauce. for this, mix:
• 1 red pepper
• 2 carrots
• 1/2 red onion
• 5 dried tomatoes
• 2 dates medjool
• about 10 cl of water
• 1 tablespoon of blonde shrinkllium (optional)
3️⃣Cut your favorite vegetables in julienne and align them with the cabbage leaves. cover mushrooms and marinade, sprouted seeds and roll. soak in the sauce. Enjoy!?

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